What the COVID crisis has shown us is that many people are not sufficiently prepared for a local critical situation or a global disaster. Despite being worried about natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or serious accidents affecting communities, many Americans also state they are not adequatley prepared for these calamities, according to data from YouGov. With an abundance of misinformation populating the web, it is particularly laborious to find out how to correctly and easily prepare for an emergency. CARDO works towards making these information accessible for everyone.

Dealing with your own fears and worries is very uncomfortable. But in the end, little preparation is better than none. Educate yourself, take small steps, involve your friends and family and share your new knowledge.
open research questions
Research how and why crisis affect minorities disproportionally harder. How can we make information accessible to all? What does it take to create lasting change? After all, it is not about buying the most premium equipment, but assessing you personal circumstances and organizing basic necessities such as water, light and energy.